ADI Part 2 & ADI Part 3 Driving Instructor Training DITA Driving School Franchise

ADI Part 3 - Test of Teaching Ability

ADI Part 3 Test of Teaching Ability

The object of this test is to assess the quality of your instruction and ability to pass your knowledge on to pupils. You will demonstrating your knowledge and ability by giving practical driving instruction to your pupil while the examiner observes and marks the lesson from the rear seat.

Candidates are allowed 3 attempts at this test. If unsuccessful - candidates must wait until 2 years after the date that they passed the theory test before starting the whole process again.

What ADI Part 3 involves

The aim of the ADI part 3 test is to check your ability to instruct, and whether your instructional techniques are helping a person to learn in an effective way.

Simply put - it is a test of your ability, as a potential driving instructor (PDI), to teach and pass on your knowledge to a pupil.

At the end of the test, your 'pupil' must go away having learnt, practised and improved new and existing skills.

Format of the test

A DVSA examiner will observe you giving a 'client centred' driving lesson lasting about 45 minutes.

Your pupil must be driving for at least 40 mins during the lesson.

You will have about 2-3 minutes at the start of the test to recap the lesson goals and risk management with your pupil. At the end of the lesson, you'll need to give your pupil about 2-3 minutes to reflect on their performance.

Your pupil must drive for at least 40 minutes of the lesson. You can't spend the whole lesson teaching a manoeuvre, but you can include a short recap of one you've taught in a previous lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should give your pupil about 3 minutes to reflect on their performance.

Types of Part 3 test lesson pupil scenarios

There are several different types of pupil you can take for the assessment, they can be any of the following:

  • Partly trained
  • Trained, experienced pupil close to test standard
  • Full licence holder - new
  • Full licence holder - experienced

Registering as an Approved Driving Instructor

After you pass the Part 3 test you can apply to join the Register. You cannot give paid instruction until you are registered and have a valid trainee licence.

You must apply within one year of passing your Part 3 test or your qualification will become invalid and you would have to apply to start the qualifying process again.

You will be expected to maintain control of the lesson. You should be patient, tactful and give encouragement to the pupil at all times. What is assessed is the relevance of your instruction for the ability of the pupil to the road conditions on the day of the test.

The best advice we can give is...

You MUST be prepared for this test!

It's very important when picking a company for your ADI training that you find out how many hours of training they provide. The part 3 training is where you will need most help from your college.

Time for a plug! It is during this part of the training that the ADI Part 3 Test and Phase 2 Sample Questions Teaching Aids comes into their own. We have many testimonials on how our teaching aid has helped and is helping trainees pass the Part 3 Test.

Please take a look at our ADI Part 3 training and teaching aids such as:

The Essential Guide to the ADI Part 3

Driving Instructor Teaching Aid

Faults, Risks and Strategies

DITA also provides Driving Instructor training that comes highly recommended.

Ok - plug over! You will also need to ensure that training is given in a structured manner. Most training establishments will offer in-car training on a two trainees to one trainer ratio. Observational training is very helpful, but you must ensure that you work out how much training you will receive.

If you have any questions regarding ADI training feel free to email us

Finally, we wish you good luck during your training and on all of the tests.